Liberal Arts Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Requirements

Planning Your Transfer

Please note that course offerings and costs can change. See what’s included in the cost calculation.


  • Course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
  • Course meets the Diversity Requirement
  • Course meets the Global Requirement
  • Course meets the Distributed Requirement

Course Descriptions: Show All | Hide All

Graduation Requirement

  • Minimum credits required: 1
Course Note Credits Cost
SDV-108 The College Experience
1 $225.00
SDV-109 College 101
3 $675.00

II. Science and Mathematics

Science Courses with Lab

  • Minimum credits required: 4
Course Note Credits Cost
BIO-105 Introductory Biology
4 $904.00
BIO-112 General Biology I
4 $905.00
BIO-113 General Biology II
4 $914.00
BIO-163 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
4 $900.00
BIO-166 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
4 $900.00
BIO-168 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
4 $900.00
BIO-173 Human Anatomy and Physiology II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
BIO-186 Microbiology
4 $900.00
CHM-122 Introduction to General Chemistry This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
CHM-165 General Chemistry I This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $974.00
CHM-175 General Chemistry II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Spring only)
4 $1047.00
ENV-115 Environmental Science
3 $675.00
and ENV-116 Environmental Science Lab
1 $225.00
PHS-120 Exploring Physical Science This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Spring only)
4 $900.00
PHS-152 Astronomy This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Fall only)
4 $900.00
PHY-162 College Physics I This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00

Science Courses with Lab

Course Note Credits Cost
BIO-154 Human Biology
3 $675.00
ENV-115 Environmental Science
3 $675.00
PHS-142 Principles of Astronomy This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Fall only)
3 $675.00
PHY-100 Physics in Everyday Life
3 $675.00

Mathematics Courses

Course Note Credits Cost
BUS-210 Business Statistics This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
BUS-230 Quantitative Methods for Business Decision Making This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
MAT-118 Math for Elementary Teachers II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
MAT-121 College Algebra This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
MAT-128 Precalculus This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
MAT-156 Statistics This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
MAT-210 Calculus I This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00

III. Humanities

Humanities: History Courses

  • Minimum credits required: 3
Course Note Credits Cost
HIS-117 Western Civilization I: Ancient and Medieval
3 $675.00
HIS-118 Western Civilization II: Early Modern
3 $675.00
HIS-119 Western Civilization III: The Modern Period
3 $675.00
HIS-133 A History of the World Through Pandemic Diseases
3 $675.00
HIS-151 U.S. History to 1877
3 $675.00
HIS-152 U.S. History Since 1877
3 $675.00
HIS-201 Iowa History
3 $675.00
HIS-204 Rock to Hip Hop — A History
(Fall only)
3 $675.00
HIS-251 U.S. History 1945 to Present
3 $675.00
HIS-257 African American History
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00
HIS-277 History of Women in the U.S.
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00

Humanities: General Courses

  • Minimum credits required: 6
  • Choose courses from two different subjects (ART, CLS, DRA, etc.).
Course Note Credits Cost
ART-101 Art Appreciation
3 $675.00
ART-203 Art History I
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
ART-204 Art History II
(Spring only) Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
CLS-130 African Cultures
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
CLS-141 Middle Eastern History and Culture
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
CLS-150 Latin American History and Culture
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
CLS-160 East Asian Cultures
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
CLS-164 Japanese History and Culture
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
DRA-107 Theatrical Arts and Society
(Fall only)
3 $675.00
DRA-110 Introduction to Film
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
HUM-116 Encounters in Humanities
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
HUM-141 J.R.R. Tolkien: Mythology and Methodology
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
LIT-101 Introduction to Literature This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
LIT-133 Minority Voices in U.S. Literature
(Fall only) Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00
LIT-145 Shakespeare: Dramatist, Psychologist, Historian
3 $675.00
LIT-160 Short Story/Novel
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
LIT-189 Women and Literature
(Fall only) Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00
LIT-191 Iowa Literature and History
3 $675.00
MUS-100 Music Appreciation
3 $675.00
MUS-202 World Music
(Fall only) Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
PHI-101 Introduction to Philosophy
3 $675.00
PHI-105 Introduction to Ethics
3 $675.00
REL-101 Survey of World Religions
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
REL-130 Introduction to Religions of the East
Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00

IV. Social Sciences

Psychology Courses

  • Minimum credits required: 3
Course Note Credits Cost
PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology
3 $675.00
PSY-121 Developmental Psychology
3 $675.00
PSY-241 Abnormal Psychology This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
PSY-251 Social Psychology This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
PSY-262 Psychology of Gender This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00

Sociology Courses

  • Minimum credits required: 3
Course Note Credits Cost
SOC-110 Introduction to Sociology
3 $675.00
SOC-115 Social Problems
3 $675.00
SOC-202 Race and Ethnic Relations
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00
SOC-205 Identity and Inequity in U.S. Society
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00
SOC-290 Social Movements
3 $675.00

Other Social Sciences Courses

Course Note Credits Cost
COM-148 Diversity and the Media
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00
CRJ-200 Criminology
3 $675.00
CRJ-201 Juvenile Delinquency
3 $675.00
ECN-120 Principles of Macroeconomics
3 $675.00
ECN-130 Principles of Microeconomics
3 $675.00
EDU-240 Educational Psychology This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
GEO-121 World Regional Geography
3 $675.00
POL-111 American National Government
3 $675.00
POL-121 International Relations
(Fall only) Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
POL-125 Comparative Government and Politics
(Spring only) Meets Global Requirement
3 $675.00
SOC-208 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
WST-101 Women's Studies
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00

V. Communications

  • Minimum credits required: 9
Course Note Credits Cost
ENG-105 Composition I This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
ENG-106 Composition II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication
3 $675.00
or SPC-112 Public Speaking
3 $675.00

VI. Individual Development and Well-Being

Course Note Credits Cost
ART-120 2-D Design
(Fall only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $750.00
ART-123 3-D Design
(Spring only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $755.00
ART-133 Drawing
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $740.00
ART-134 Drawing II
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $720.00
ART-143 Painting
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $760.00
ART-144 Painting II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $760.00
BIO-151 Nutrition
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
BIO-269 Foodology
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
DRA-130 Acting I
3 $675.00
ENG-221 Creative Writing
(Fall only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
MUA-101 Applied Voice
1 $225.00
MUA-112 Applied Composition
1 $225.00
MUA-120 Applied Piano
1 $225.00
MUA-121 Applied Piano II
2 $450.00
MUA-124 Applied Guitar
1 $225.00
MUA-126 Applied Strings
1 $225.00
MUA-149 Applied Strings II
2 $450.00
MUA-180 Applied Percussion
1 $225.00
MUA-181 Applied Percussion II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
1 $225.00
MUA-212 Applied Composition II
2 $450.00
MUA-227 Applied Guitar II
2 $450.00
MUA-401 Applied Voice II
2 $450.00
MUS-154 Chorus
1 $225.00
PEH-111 Personal Wellness
3 $675.00
PSY-261 Human Sexuality
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
SOC-120 Marriage and Family
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
SOC-135 Death and Dying
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
SPC-140 Oral Interpretation
(Spring only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00

VII. Professional Development and Exploration

  • Minimum credits required: 3
Course Note Credits Cost
ACC-152 Financial Accounting
4 $900.00
BUS-102 Introduction to Business
3 $675.00
COM-140 Introduction to Mass Media
(Fall only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
COM-151 ETC: Art and Literary Magazine
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
CRJ-100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 $675.00
CRJ-120 Introduction to Corrections
3 $675.00
EDU-210 Foundations of Education
3 $675.00
EDU-246 Including Diverse Learners
Meets Diversity Requirement
3 $675.00
EDU-901 Academic Service Learning Experience
1 $225.00
ENG-230 Creative Writing: Fiction This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Spring only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
ENG-235 Playwriting and Screenwriting
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
HSV-109 Introduction to Human Services
(Fall only)
3 $675.00
JOU-115 Introduction to Journalism
3 $675.00
MUS-102 Music Fundamentals
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
MUS-106 Music Theory I
Meets Distributed Requirement
4 $900.00
MUS-107 Music Theory II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
Meets Distributed Requirement
4 $900.00
PEH-160 Fundamentals of Health Coaching
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
PEH-162 Introduction to Physical Education
3 $675.00
POL-270 Social and Behavioral Research Methods
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
or PSY-270 Social and Behavioral Research Methods
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
or SOC-270 Social and Behavioral Research Methods
Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
SOC-160 Introduction to Social Work
3 $675.00
SOC-181 Field Experience This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
1 $225.00
SPC-120 Intercultural Communications
(Fall only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
SPC-122 Interpersonal Communication
(Spring only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
SPC-132 Group Communication
(Fall only) Meets Distributed Requirement
3 $675.00
XXX-924 Honors Project
1 $225.00
or XXX-926 Honors Seminar
3 $675.00
or XXX-928 Independent Study
1 $225.00
or XXX-949 Special Topics
1 $225.00

VIII. Diversity Requirement

  • Minimum credits required: 3
  • Requirement: Choose any course marked Meets Diversity Requirement

IX. Global Requirement

  • Minimum credits required: 3
  • Requirement: Choose any course marked Meets Global Requirement

X. Distributed Requirement

XI. Electives

Elective Courses

Course Note Credits Cost
ACC-156 Managerial Accounting This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
ART-184 Photography
3 $730.00
BUS-180 Business Ethics
3 $675.00
BUS-183 Business Law
3 $675.00
CHM-132 Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $945.00
CHM-260 Organic Chemistry I This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
CHM-270 Organic Chemistry II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
CRJ-233 Probation, Parole, Community-Based Corrections This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
CRJ-316 Juvenile Justice This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
CRJ-317 White Collar Crime This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
CRJ-320 Criminal Justice Ethics
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
CSC-110 Introduction to Computers This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
CSC-116 Information Computing
3 $675.00
ECN-110 Introduction to Economics
(No credit if ECN-120 or ECN-130 earned)
3 $675.00
EDU-130 Home, School, and Community Relations
3 $675.00
EDU-235 Children's Literature
3 $675.00
EDU-255 Technology in the Classroom
(Spring only)
3 $675.00
EDU-920 Field Experience This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
1 $265.00
FLS-131 Elementary Spanish I
3 $675.00
FLS-132 Elementary Spanish II
3 $675.00
FLS-231 Intermediate Spanish I
3 $675.00
FLS-232 Intermediate Spanish II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
JOU-121 Newswriting and Reporting This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
LIT-949 Special Topics
1 $225.00
MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
MAT-216 Calculus II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
MAT-219 Calculus III This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
4 $900.00
MGT-101 Principles of Management
3 $675.00
MIL-103 Military Survival Skills
2 $450.00
MIL-110 Leadership and Personal Development
1 $225.00
MIL-115 Foundations of Tactical Leadership
1 $225.00
MIL-121 Leadership and Decision Making
2 $450.00
MIL-122 Leadership in Changing Environment
2 $450.00
MKT-110 Principles of Marketing
3 $675.00
MUA-106 Class Voice
1 $225.00
MUA-119 Class Piano
1 $225.00
PEA-117 Bowling I
1 $345.00
PEA-123 Circuit Training
1 $225.00
PEA-150 Powerwalking
1 $225.00
PEA-187 Weight Training I
1 $225.00
PEA-191 Pilates
1 $225.00
PEA-194 Vinyasa Yoga
1 $225.00
PEC-110 Coaching Ethics, Techniques, and Theory
(Spring only)
1 $225.00
PEC-115 Athletic Development and Human Growth
(Spring only)
1 $225.00
PEC-123 Anatomy for Coaching
(Spring only)
1 $225.00
PEC-127 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
(Spring only)
2 $450.00
PEH-141 First Aid
2 $480.00
PEH-191 Sports Nutrition
3 $675.00
PEH-909 Cooperative Education This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
1 $225.00
PHY-172 College Physics II This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
(Spring only)
4 $900.00
SOC-180 Social Work Interactional Skills This course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite
3 $675.00
WBL-100 Exploring Careers
1 $225.00

Cost Calculations

The cost calculations are based on 2024–2025 resident tuition, fees, and any additional course fees. These are for informational purposes only and not a guarantee of what you'll be charged.

  • Course Cost: The course cost is calculated by multiplying resident tuition and fees per credit hour by the number of credits for the course, then adding any applicable course fees.
  • Total Tuition + Course Fees: This is the total tuition and course fees for all courses during the semester. If there are multiple courses that can fulfill the same requirement, we’ll use the first one listed for the calculation.

Additional Costs to Consider

When budgeting for your program, be sure to include the cost of books.

Keep in mind that some programs may have additional expenses, like tools, equipment, supplies, uniforms, exam fees, and background checks. Check with your faculty advisor for more details.

Program Contacts


Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 134
Email Admissions

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM

Academic Advisors

Student Services
Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email the academic advisors

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