ACC-156 |
Managerial Accounting
Surveys the basic concepts and procedures of accounting to include managerial, manufacturing and cost accounting for decision making.
Lecture Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in ACC-152.
4 |
$900.00 |
ART-184 |
This course provides an introduction to the basics of digital photography, from camera selection to its use as an art form and aesthetic medium. Content includes camera types, lenses, exposure controls, elements of composition, editing fundamentals, and the storage, printing and sharing of photographic images. It will also examine the elements of photographic theory, history and ethics. In this hands-on class, students will complete specific technique-based assignments and participate in class demonstrations, discussions and critiques.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
3 |
$730.00 |
BUS-180 |
Business Ethics
This course is an introduction to ethical decision making in business. There is an examination of individual, organizational, and macrolevel issues in business ethics. This course does not determine correct ethical action; it is designed to assist the potential businessperson to make more informed ethical decisions on a daily basis. Dilemmas, real life situations and cases provide an opportunity for you to use concepts in the assignments and to resolve ethical issues. Since there is no universal agreement on the correct ethical business norms, critical thinking and informed decision making are emphasized.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
BUS-183 |
Business Law
An introduction to the principles of law as they relate to business. This course includes an overview of our court system, sources of law, ethics and social responsibility, contracts, warranties, real property, landlord and tenant, negotiable instruments, and agency. Emphasis is placed on exploring the law as it affects businesses and individuals.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
CHM-132 |
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
This lecture-laboratory course is intended primarily to serve undergraduate health-related majors such as nursing and dental hygiene as well as the general studies students seeking an integrated background in organic and biological chemistry. Students will study topics applications from a clinical, human or environmental perspective. Laboratory exercises are coordinated with the lecture topics.
Lecture Hours: 48
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): CHM-122
4 |
$945.00 |
CHM-260 |
Organic Chemistry I
Theory and practice of organic chemistry with emphasis on the chemistry of functional groups, structure, bonding, molecular properties, reactivity and nomenclature of alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and ethers, stereochemistry, reaction mechanism, nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in CHM-165 and CHM-175.
3 |
$675.00 |
CHM-270 |
Organic Chemistry II
Theory and practice of organic chemistry with emphasis on nomenclature and reactivity of alkenes, alkynes, aromatics, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, and polyfunctional compounds.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in CHM-260 or equivalent.
3 |
$675.00 |
CRJ-233 |
Probation, Parole, Community-Based Corrections
This course examines probation and parole practices related to community-based corrections programs throughout the United States. Emphasis is placed on community-based programs for offenders, administration and legal issues of the programs, trends in probation, parole and related community-based programs.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): CRJ-100 and CRJ-120
3 |
$675.00 |
CRJ-316 |
Juvenile Justice
This course examines the juvenile justice system from a practitioner perspective. It provides operational knowledge of how law enforcement, the courts, and correctional facilities navigate the juvenile offender.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in CRJ-100.
(Spring only) |
3 |
$675.00 |
CRJ-317 |
White Collar Crime
This course examines white-collar crime as a social and criminal justice problem, the costs to society, explanations for behavior, and investigative techniques.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in CRJ-100
(Spring only) |
3 |
$675.00 |
CRJ-320 |
Criminal Justice Ethics
An examination of ethical issues in the criminal justice system with an emphasis on reasoning and decision making for professional competence.
Lecture Hours: 48
(Spring only) |
3 |
$675.00 |
CSC-110 |
Introduction to Computers
This is an introductory course that surveys a variety of topics to include history, hardware, software, terminology, communications, computer ethics, and societal impact of computers. In addition to computer literacy, students will complete hands-on modules using operating systems, word processing, database, presentation, and spreadsheet software; such as Microsoft Office programs.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): The ability to enter data using a computer keyboard at a rate of no less than 15 words per minute on a three-minute timing. A minimum grade of C- in ENG-081 Academic Literacy II or equivalent placement score.
3 |
$675.00 |
CSC-116 |
Information Computing
This course presents the basic concepts of information systems and computer literacy. The course incorporates theory as well as hands-on practice, which focuses on spreadsheets and database management systems (DBMS).
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
3 |
$675.00 |
ECN-110 |
Introduction to Economics
This is a one-semester survey course covering basic economic issues and applications. The course includes such topics as supply, demand, pricing and production decisions by firms, consumer decision making, national income and output determination, unemployment and inflation, Classical and Keynesian theories, money and banking, and fiscal and monetary policies. International issues will also be discussed. (No credit given if credit earned in ECN120 or ECN130.)
Lecture Hours: 48
(No credit if ECN-120 or ECN-130 earned) |
3 |
$675.00 |
EDU-130 |
Home, School, and Community Relations
Focuses on the importance of collaborative efforts of the school, home, and community to the promotion of the children's healthy development. Research relating to parental involvement, impact of inclusion, and factors which place families at risk are examined. Explores attitudes, philosophies, and practical techniques with emphasis on building respectful, culturally sensitive relationships with families, utilizing community resources and working with diverse families.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
EDU-235 |
Children's Literature
The course is designed to present the dynamics of children's literature. It promotes the selection and evaluation of literature for children as well as how to engage young readers in a variety of literary genres. The course will emphasize literature as a key element of the reading curriculum, grades Preschool-8 and beyond. The course will be relevant to those interested in education and literacy.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
EDU-255 |
Technology in the Classroom
This is a basic course in the planning and practical use of technology resources to enhance and extend the learning process in the face to face classroom, hybrid and online learning. Students will be exposed to various ways of thinking about educational media and its applications in the classroom. The course is designed to provide the student with experiences that will enable them to select, arrange, utilize, and produce a variety of resources to enhance student learning through their creation of a Thematic Unit.
Lecture Hours: 48
(Spring only) |
3 |
$675.00 |
EDU-920 |
Field Experience
This course provides an observation and participation experience to explore duties, roles and responsibilities of teachers to the school community. This takes place in area schools under the direction and guidance of classroom teachers. May be taken for 1 or 2 credits.
Lab Hours: 32
Co-requisite(s): EDU-240
1 |
$265.00 |
FLS-131 |
Elementary Spanish I
This course is student-centered and introduces the four phases of the Spanish language: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Concepts of vocabulary and grammar are introduced to develop a low beginner's level of the Spanish language. Cultural and geographic aspects of the Spanish-speaking world will introduce traditions and customs.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
FLS-132 |
Elementary Spanish II
This course is a continuation of Elementary Spanish I and will use the communicative approach to expand basic language skills for comprehension of spoken and written Spanish. Students will be exposed to activities involving cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking people.
Minimum grade of C- in FLS-131.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
FLS-231 |
Intermediate Spanish I
This course reviews essential grammatical elements in the language and introduces new topics as a continuation of the first year of Spanish. Instruction will enable learners to further develop proficiency in speaking, listening, writing, reading, and cultural understanding of Spanish-speaking countries.
Minimum grade of C- in FLS-132.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
FLS-232 |
Intermediate Spanish II
This course promotes further linguistic development as a continuation of Intermediate Spanish I. Instruction will expand nuances of the Spanish culture while increasing grammatical proficiency and spontaneous vocabulary usage.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in FLS-231.
3 |
$675.00 |
JOU-121 |
Newswriting and Reporting
Newswriting and Reporting provides students with hands-on experience gathering, organizing, editing, and publishing news stories for multiple media platforms.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in JOU-115.
3 |
$675.00 |
LIT-949 |
Special Topics
This course will explore literature focused on a specific theme, genre, or author; introducing the specified topic and seeking to develop appreciation of the selected literature. Selected topics may include but are not limited to: detective fiction, science fiction, short stories, regional writers, or the work of a specific author.
May be taken for up to 3 credits.
Lecture Hours: 16
1 |
$225.00 |
MAT-102 |
Intermediate Algebra
This course will prepare the student for College Algebra and Trigonometry or other equivalent course work. Topics include properties of real numbers, linear and quadratic equations, graphs of polynomial functions, systems of equations, polynomial and rational expressions, inequalities, integral and rational exponents, radicals, and complex numbers.
Lecture Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in MAT-060 or MAT-063. Or equivalent placement score.
4 |
$900.00 |
MAT-216 |
Calculus II
A continuation of MAT-210, this course covers topics including integration techniques, applications of integration, infinite series, conic sections, parametric and polar equations.
Lecture Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in MAT-210.
4 |
$900.00 |
MAT-219 |
Calculus III
This course covers topics including integration and differentiation techniques related to vectors, vector-valued functions, functions of several variables, multiple integration, and vector analysis.
Lecture Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in MAT-216
4 |
$900.00 |
MGT-101 |
Principles of Management
A study of current theory and practice of leading a complex business organization toward the accomplishment of organizational objectives.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
MIL-103 |
Military Survival Skills
Basic military survival principles are discussed in class and demonstrated during a Survival Weekend. Concepts taught are: shelter building, water and food gathering, land navigation, first aid, and rescue signaling. Discussion, 1 hr./wk.
Lecture Hours: 16
Lab Hours: 32
2 |
$450.00 |
MIL-110 |
Leadership and Personal Development
Introduces students to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership in the military. Students learn how the personal development of life skills such as goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession. Discussion, 1 hr./wk.
Lab Hours: 32
(ROTC @ UNI) |
1 |
$225.00 |
MIL-115 |
Foundations of Tactical Leadership
Examines the challenges of leading in complex contemporary military operational environments. Dimensions of the cross-cultural challenges of military leadership in a constantly changing world are highlighted and applied to practical leadership tasks and situations. Discussion 2 hrs./wk.
Lecture Hours: 16
(ROTC @ UNI) |
1 |
$225.00 |
MIL-121 |
Leadership and Decision Making
Explores the dimensions of creative and innovative military leadership strategies and styles by studying historical case studies and engaging in interactive student exercises. Students practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises. Discussion, 2 hrs./wk., lab arranged, plus 1 field trip.
Lecture Hours: 16
Lab Hours: 32
(ROTC @ UNI) |
2 |
$450.00 |
MIL-122 |
Leadership in Changing Environment
(ROTC @ UNI) |
2 |
$450.00 |
MKT-110 |
Principles of Marketing
An overview of the processes, problems and activities associated with the planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
MUA-106 |
Class Voice
This course provides instruction in fundamental vocal techniques. Breath support, diction, alignment and posture, vowel formation, tone production and stage presence will be explored through standard repertoire chosen for individual vocal needs.
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$225.00 |
MUA-119 |
Class Piano
This course is designed for students of all levels, especially for students without any piano or musical experience. It is an introduction to fundamental aspects of playing piano including technique, musicianship, performance, as well as reading music scores and understanding music in general. It is also perfect for music majors to develop basic piano proficiency skills, including scales, chords, harmonizing melodies, and developing a basic piano repertoire.
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$225.00 |
PEA-117 |
Bowling I
This skill course introduces students to the lifetime activity of bowling. The course will cover basic fundamentals of bowling such as rules and etiquette, approach, ball delivery, strikes, spares, and scoring. Individual, league, and tournament play will also be included.
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$345.00 |
PEA-123 |
Circuit Training
This aerobic course incorporates cross-training techniques allowing for an increased caloric expenditure with simultaneous improvement in muscular strength and endurance and flexibility. Alternating between resistance training, cardiovascular, and flexibility exercises provides the benefits of all three types of activities in one exercise session.
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$225.00 |
PEA-150 |
Power Walking is one of the most convenient forms of exercise. It takes minimal equipment and can be done anywhere. This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn a lifelong physical activity. Power Walking is also an excellent way to start a fitness program.
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$225.00 |
PEA-187 |
Weight Training I
This skill course introduces the student to basic principles of weight training and the effects of this type of exercise on the body. Personalized programs will be the focus while emphasizing proper lifting techniques and safety issues.
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$225.00 |
PEA-191 |
This skill course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn Pilates principles and mat-based exercises from the beginner level, through the intermediate level, and finishing with the advanced level. Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on core stability and strength while simultaneously lengthening and strengthening the muscles without adding "bulk".
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$225.00 |
PEA-194 |
Vinyasa Yoga
This skill course introduces the fundamentals of Vinyasa Yoga. Vinyasa Yoga focuses on balanced asana (posture) sequences, as well as the connection of the asanas and the breath. There are a host of associated benefits including, but not limited to, increased levels of body awareness, increased strength and flexibility, as well as the benefits shown to be associated with relaxation.
Lab Hours: 32
1 |
$225.00 |
PEC-110 |
Coaching Ethics, Techniques, and Theory
This is one of the four courses required to receive a coaching authorization or endorsement. This course meets the required hours for ethics. By the end of this course, participants should be able to explain methodology and responsibilities of a successful coach, apply teaching techniques to sports skills, connect how communication and motivation affect performance, and distinguish appropriate ethical behavior of coaches and students. Taking responsibility for their own learning, participants should be able to plan for an effective and meaningful experience for the athlete that is supported by informed decision-making.
Lecture Hours: 16
(Spring only) |
1 |
$225.00 |
PEC-115 |
Athletic Development and Human Growth
This is one of the four courses required to receive a coaching authorization or endorsement. This course will connect the participants to the basic concepts of growth and development of students in the 5th through 12th grade who would participate in school sponsored athletics. By the end of this course, participants should be able to explain how and when physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development occurs and how this development affects learning, behavior and performance. Taking responsibility for their own learning, participants should be able to plan for an effective and meaningful athletic experience for the adolescent that is supported by informed decision-making.
Lecture Hours: 16
(Spring only) |
1 |
$225.00 |
PEC-123 |
Anatomy for Coaching
This is one of the four courses required to receive a coaching authorization or endorsement. By the end of this course, participants should be able to apply basic physiological concepts to athletics, connect how they affect movement, conditioning, and performance. Taking responsibility for their own learning, participants should be able to plan for an effective and meaningful experience for the athlete that is supported by informed decision-making.
Lecture Hours: 16
(Spring only) |
1 |
$225.00 |
PEC-127 |
Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
This is one of the four courses required to receive a coaching authorization or endorsement. This course will describe the duties and responsibilities in protecting the health of athletes. The course is aimed at recognizing injuries and providing basic care for those injuries as well as techniques to prevent injuries from occurring.
Lecture Hours: 32
(Spring only) |
2 |
$450.00 |
PEH-141 |
First Aid
This course will use discussion and application to provide the layperson with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to provide First Aid, CPR, and AED to adult, child, and infant populations. Certification by the American Red Cross will be awarded to those who qualify.
Lecture Hours: 32
2 |
$480.00 |
PEH-191 |
Sports Nutrition
This course will present basic principles of human nutrition and the nutritional needs of athletes and/or physically active populations. Examination of nutrition’s effects on health and human performance, focusing on fuel sources, metabolism, hydration, supplement use and ergogenic aids, maintaining a healthy body composition, and eating disorders will also occur.
Lecture Hours: 48
3 |
$675.00 |
PEH-909 |
Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education provides an observation and participation experience to explore duties, roles, and responsibilities in settings related to wellness, athletics, exercise science, physical education, and/or a similar agency. This takes place in area agencies under the direction of a supervisor. This course can be repeated with a different agency for credit.
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in PEH-162.
1 |
$225.00 |
PHY-172 |
College Physics II
This course is the second semester continuation of General Physics I. The course studies the fundamental concepts, principles and laws of physics and their application. It covers electricity and magnetism, light and geometric optics, quantum and nuclear physics.
Lecture Hours: 48
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in PHY-162.
(Spring only) |
4 |
$900.00 |
SOC-180 |
Social Work Interactional Skills
This course focuses on students gaining an understanding and beginning mastery of interpersonal and interactional helping skills utilized by social workers in practice. The organization of the course and the learning methods used focus on both didactic and experiential learning. The content of the course is taught through lecture, discussion and interactional sessions in which the students learn through individual and group exercises, role play and activity experiences.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in SOC-160.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of Pass in SOC-181.
3 |
$675.00 |
WBL-100 |
Exploring Careers
This course will provide guidance in choosing a career goal and preparing for employment. Emphasis will be placed on identifying interests, abilities, and values, and exploring options for careers. Students will learn how to access labor market information and employment trends. Additionally, students will develop the skills and aptitudes necessary to obtain employment, emphasizing the development of characteristics associated with job success. This course can be taken for 1 – 3 credits.
Lecture Hours: 16
1 |
$225.00 |